Amazing Role Play Wiki
Hayley Vaylenworth's Dorm


Welcome to my dorm! I know, it's quite small. But I had to purchase it with my own gems. Anyways, take a seat, get comfortable, enjoy the view!



Hayley was in her dorm, cleaning up. She had arranged for Trevor to come over. Trevor, a new friend of hers, moved was here for vacation. She welcomed him, and now she has invited him to come visit her in her dorm.


Nora entered Turnbridge Terrace. She walked to Dorm number 2 and knocked on the door.


Trevor arrived at Dorm 2, only to find another girl there. He introduced himself. "Hello, there. I'm Trevor" He smiled. He had a Swedish accent, but could speak fluent English.


Nora looked at Trevor then said "Hey. I am Nora." Then suddenly her hands started to turn furry. "Uh-oh" Nora said.


Trevor held out his hand to shake, but noticed Nora didn't. Her hands started to get hairy. "Are you alright?" Trevor asked, looking at her hand. He didn't know what was happening.


Nora just let out a slow howl before going down on all fours and turning into a wolf.


Trevor watched, as Nora slowly evolved. He knocks on Hayley's door.


Nora letted out a howl then turned back to a human. "Sorry about that. I am a werewolf" she said growling a little.


Hayley opened the door to find a surprised Trevor and Nora. "Hello. Uh..come in!" she said, inviting them inside.


"Hello Hayley." Nora said. She walked in the dorm and looked around. "Wow. Nice dorm. Small but atleast it doesn't have wild animals at the door." Nora said with a laugh


"It's cozy too. Thanks," said Hayley, smiling. She invited Trevor in, who clumsily entered. "Take a seat, please"


Nora sat next to Trevor. Her body was shaking but she controled herself and didn't turn to a werewolf.


"Are you...a werewolf?" asked Trevor, turning to Nora. He didn't sound scared, or ecstatic, or curious. It was kind of just a random question. He did seem interested at it though...


Nora nodded then said "I am shocked that it took you this long to find out.... You don't know what I have a put up with as a werewolf "She stopped for a momment but said in a growling voice "But let me tell you this: Stay away from me at a full moon."


"Don't worry. I realized to stay away from you. But, it's nothing bad, I understand. I've got 3-element manipulation. I could control water, fire, and ice." explained Trevor, smiling. "And you probably noticed by my accent but fluent English. I'm from Sweden. I came here to England just for a vacation, but I'll be leaving soon. I go to the New World Academy in India. Have you heard of it? It's a great school and it's new," continued Trevor.


(oh and i made a friend of nora's Luna Stone and she will be coming to the dorm soon)

"Yea. I have. My friend Gilbert goes there."



"Oh, Gilly? Gilly Rex? He's a good friend of mine to! And also very bright, tends to do well in classes. He's in my Magical Beasts class." explained Trevor.


Hayley saw that Nora and Trevor seemed to be getting along quickly. "Any one thirsty? Or perhaps hungry? I've got some pastries," she offered with a warm smile.


Nora nodded at trevor then turned to Hayley and said "No thanks, I hunted before I came here." Then Nora whipped of the blood of her hand.


Luna knocked on the door and waited for an anwser. She seem to be in a hurry.


(By the way, Trevor doesn't know Luna but Hayley does. Just pretend xD)

Hayley nodded as Nora and Trevor said no thanks. Then, another knock was at the door. "Hmmm...who could that be?" asked Hayley, looking at the door with a confusee look. She walked over and opened it to find a female teenager standing there. "Luna! It's surprising to find you here...uhh...come in!" greeted Hayley, smiling at the odd number of guests. First Nora, then Luna. Hayley was glad to accept them as friends, because she has a limited amount of American friends, as most of them are usually from Europe.


(ok sure. also can there be a full moon that night, cause full moon means werewolfness...? :D)

Nora smiled then gave Luna a hug and turned to Trevor and said "Trevor, this is Luna, Luna this is trevor." Luna smiled then said Hi. Luna then turned to Nora, her face pale and looking that something was very wrong.


(Ok, sure xD)

Trevor smiles and says Hi to Luna. Then he saw Nora's pale face and he frowns, "a-are you alright....?"



Nora nodded nervously the looked at Luna have a silent conversation. She sat down on the couch with Luna.


Hayley looked worried. "Okay, so, um, make yourselves feel comfortable. "Sorry if it feels stuffy in here, there's more people thna usual in such a small room." she smiles as Trevor nods.


Its quite nice here..."


Hayley smiles. "Thanks. It doesn't cost much, and it's pretty cozy too!"


Nora starts to twitch awkwardly.


Trevor, who's been staying quiet for most of the time, notices Nora's twitch. He glares at Hayley, who exchanges back a worrying look. He glances out the window and sees a glimpse of a full moon. "Oh no..." he mutters.


Luna catches Trevors eyes then says "I forgot the potion..." She said while quickly looking at everybody.
